Restful Day

Giving Thanks for a Day of Rest

I need this day of no commitments

No tasks to do except to be

Be present to the moment,

Be silent in the listening

Be attentive to new life

Be happy in what is

Be a smile, always

Letting instants go

As fast or slow as they wish

And be, just be in the great I Am

Luxuriating in the presence

That is not wasted

But filled with eternity.

About dmdubay

Since retiring from Northwest Airlines and moving to the Pacific Northwest, I have more time to devote to writing. My first novel, "Tales of Two Sisters" was published over a year ago. I have been writing poetry for a long time and am attempting to collate my poetry into a short book, with pictures. A sequel to "Tales of Two Sisters" should be getting closer to completion soon. Gardening and tending the vineyard take a lot of time in the summer. Even though I love the outdoors, these activities do cut down on my writing. So I appreciate that wintertime allows me time to write. Writing, for me, is what brings things into focus and helps me to make sense of the things that life brings. It is a gift to me and I hope that it will be to you also.
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1 Response to Restful Day

  1. René says:

    The patterns on that butterfly are so cool!


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